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The Spiritual Significance of Periods & Menstruation

Writer: Laura DownsLaura Downs

Periods. Since our existence as a human species, women and people with vaginas have been experiencing them. It is the most natural cycle in human biology. So why do we demonize them? Why is it a cultural consensus to hate our periods and loathe this beautiful cycle?

Period cycles are unique to every person who experiences them. On average, the entire cycle is about 21 to 35 days. The period itself typically lasts between 2 to 7 days.

The cycle begins and ends with the period, where the lining of the uterus sheds and releases itself.

The body then builds the uterus walls back up again and releases an egg during ovulation, typically about 2 weeks after the period.

If insemination did not occur during ovulation, the egg will travel to the uterus and dissolve. Walls of the uterus continue to thicken until the body signals the next period to occur. The cycle repeats.

Why are periods shamed?

While we could go into the history throughout different cultures and civilizations explaining the detailed myths and legends that have led to women and men alike shaming the period cycle, we can actually answer this question with one simple word: sexism.

Point, blank, period. People who get periods in modern day culture are socially conditioned to hate them. Think of it like this: if all the men in the world were to simply vanish and we were a society 100% made up of women and people who have female reproductive systems - we would not be shaming or trying to hide it! We would all very openly talk about and experience our periods. In fact, I believe that in this alternate reality where it is just women, it would be completely normal to just not work at all the week of our periods. We'd be extremely creative and productive around ovulation, making up for it by being restful and introspective during menstruation.

If you are someone who experiences a period - I would like to challenge you to remove all negative language and connotation you have around your period. Our societies way of demonizing our periods is not new. It was handed down to use from hundreds of generations of men who want to disempower women.

Periods are sacred. They should be celebrated. By hating your period, you may be accidentally perpetuating these sexist beliefs. Let me ask you something: do you hate your period? Or do you hate being forced to work, be super productive, and "on" during your period? Periods are a time of rest, renewal, cleansing,and connecting to mama earth and spirit. Modern society does not respect nor adhere to the natural energy cycles of the divine feminine. We are taught to adhere to the masculine way of living.

Divine masculine vs. divine feminine. The sun & the moon.

First, let me clarify by saying that I do not care about gender. Gender has nothing to do with divine masculine and feminine energies, has nothing to do with the yin and the yang.

In life, there are people with predominantly masculine energy. There are people with predominantly feminine energy. And there are people who have and equal amount of both. There's also people who have certain percentages of both. As a collective, these divine masculine and feminine energies will always balance out. Balance is a law of this universe.

Regardless of your gender identity and how much of your personality lives within the masculine and feminine, the uterus and menstruation cycle is divinely linked to the moon and divine feminine energies. Again, I'd like to clarify. Yes, your genitals might be divine feminine in nature, but you can otherwise have a personality and spirit that is most comfortable operating out of divine masculine energy. Regardless of who you are, you have both feminine and masculine energies working within you.

Daddy Sun & The Divine Masculine Way of Life

The sun rules over divine masculine energy. The sun is very predictable. Every day it rises, has it's dawn, grows to noon, simmers in early afternoon, and falls into the beautiful sunset into night time. This shit has been happening like, forever.

Divine masculine energy, like the sun, is reliable, loyal, predictable, warm, nurturing, providing. It's predictable nature is the foundation needed to help life grow. It's routine in the foundation needed to make life happen. However, that does not make it better than divine feminine energy.

Our modern day way of life is very masculine in nature. We are expected to wake up at the same time everyday, with the sun. Do our morning routine. Go to work. Be productive all day. Come home. Relax. Sleep. Repeat. That is the masculine way of life. And it does work wonderfully for people who have a predominately divine masculine personality! They find stability and happiness in their daily routine.

However, if this world were make only out of divine masculine energy, there would be no growth, change, or magic. Everything would stay the same always.

The divine feminine cycle is similar, but stretched out much longer. Whereas the divine masculine goes through all his phases within 24 hours, the feminine energy goes through her cycle in a month. Giving a considerable amount of time to really rest, absorb and make the most out of each aspect of the cycle.

And keep in mind - everyone has varying levels of divine masculine and feminine energy within them regardless of gender, sexuality, or appearance. For example, I mainly operate from my divine feminine energies. Every day is completely different for me depending on my mood and feelings that day. One day, I might be predominantly focused on rest, contemplation, and meditation. One that day, I may make major epiphanies. Another day, I might be very energized and productive, getting a lot more done. But I also operate probably like 30% out of masculine energy. I do have my little daily routine that grounds me and gives my days some semblance of structure.

Everyone has varying percentages of yin and yang, masculine and feminine energy working within their lives. Making how/when our energies operate completely different for each person.

Problems only arise when we FORCE a certain routine and energy distribution onto someone. For example, I firmly believe that one of the biggest reasons why so many women struggle with their menstrual cycles and pain is because they are forced into a daily work schedule that operates out of masculine energy and does not fully support the natural way their energy flows.

THis is NOT to say that women should just "stay at home in the kitchen with children". Women and people with periods can accomplish the same amount of work, if not, more, as than men. Everybody's energy flows differently.

I would love to see a reality where nobody is subjected to strict schedules and forced routines. I'd love to see more employers allowing employees to select their own schedule, work at their own pace, and creating schedules that work with their unique energy signature.

Mama Moon & The Divine Feminine Way of Life

The moon rules over divine feminine energy. She waxes and wanes. Every single day and night, the moon is not the same. Her energy and intentions grows during the waxing cycle, reaches a peak during the full moon, wanes back down, and then experiences her new moon cycle of calmness and clarity. This cycle is 29.5 days long. Sound familiar?

Mystics, pagans, animals, and other people who live in tune with nature change their behaviors with the moon.

The new moon period includes dark nights. Is is when many animals go into rest, protection, and contemplation. The new moon is a time to clear your mind and rest your body. Many people many feel guided to new, declutter, rest, meditate, and contemplate a new project or beginning during the new moon. The new moon is for planting seeds.

Then, as the moon grows, we begin to work hard towards this new cycle and new beginning that has happened. The energy is gaining momentum and growing, so we want to make sure our intentions are focused on the right things at that time. This is when we water the seeds and let nature do it's thing by growing.

The full moon is the highest energetic peak of the cycle. This is when major blessings, events, emotions, and problems occur. Everything is just more intense. And so it's a good time to either celebrate the successes or recognize what is not working in our lives and use the waning cycle to shed what isn't right for us.

As the moon wanes, energy settles back down. This is a time where we prepare for the newt cycle to begin. We finish up our work, tie up loose ends,and settle back down into our routines until the next new moon. The cycle repeats.

The human menstrual cycle is just copying the moon. Therefore, if you are someone who experiences the mentrual cycle, you should live in harmony with this natural cycle. Don't fight it. In fact, many people find that their cycles tend to link up either with the other women in their life or with the moon and her cycles.

Whereas the divine masculine goes through his cycle in a day, the divine feminine takes a month. This difference allows divine feminine energy to sit longer in certain points of energy, maximizing it's potential. Feminine energy is constantly flowing, changing, and creating. It is the magic and beauty reuired to make life possible. Whereas divine masculine energy is the support and structure, divine feminine is the breath of life. Both are equally important and need each other to survive in harmony.

What to do at each point in your period cycle to live in harmony with nature


The days before the period are very similar energetically to the days before a new moon. Many women experience PMS and view it as a bad thing. I experience PMS, but I actually honor those three days before my period where everything is sensitive and heightened. During this time, you are highly psychic and sensitive to the energies around you. Your body is also preparing itself to shed on a physical level, which is why we experience headaches and increased hunger and tiredness.

At this point in our cycle, I recommend giving yourself a lot more rest and nurture your body. Take note of any ideas you have at this time for things you need to let go of in life. For example, you might feel an increased sadness, anger, or agitation towards someone or something. You can acknowledge the fact that yes, you are feeling a bit hormonal. However, do not gaslight yourself. These issues come up at this time to be released and worked through.

The things you feel sensitive and emotional about at this time are being released with your period. That is why so many people feel way better mentally and emotionally on that first day of their period. The agitation, sadness, anger, or emotional upset exits the body with the period. So PMS is something to honor and celebrate. It is your body and mind cleansing itself of these emotionally heavy energies.

Simply by accepting The hormonal, emotional, and physical changes that happen before your period will make the entire process much more enjoyable. Acknowledge "yes, I am PMSing right now. I am going to allow myself to sleep in, rest, cry, call out of work, eat more, etc." Don't resist your natural urges at this time, honor them.

On a spiritual level, if you want to experience an easier period, make sure you are doing lots of inner healing work and cultivate a peaceful life for yourself. I have noticed that people who suppress emotions tend to have a worse time with PMS and period cramps. That is my personal opinion and observation as a psychic. Obviously, there is the physical element to the period cycle that we also need to pay attention to. So if you are experiencing really bad PMS or cramping, go to your doctor.

The period

The time of bleeding is a very spiritually connected, powerful, psychic, and sensitive time.You are HIGHLY sensitive to the energies that surround you. Which is why when bleeding, many people are less willing to go out and be around certain individuals they might view as draining.

When you're bleeding, you are also divinely protected as well. Period blood repels negative energies and while you're on your period, you are actively in a state of releasing energies that do not serve you. This is why weak, toxic men are afraid of it and act like periods are nasty - that is the magic of period blood repelling away their negative and sexist energies.

Because your body, mind, and spirit are cleansing away the negative energies that do not serve you, this is actually a really good time to see things in life very clearly. Indigenous cultures across the globe recognized this, which is why women would use their period time to go into quiet contemplation, meditation, and spiritual ritual.

Periods are a wonderful time to recognize your inner needs, listen to your inner knowing, and map out the best path forward.

Like the new moon, energies are meant to be calm and quiet. From this inner quietness, we can clearly hear and see the truths that the Universe is trying to show us at this time.

Use your period as a time to rest more, gain clarity, and do whatever you intutiively feel called to do - it will be different each cycle!

Post-period and the build up to ovulation

This is an extremely fertile time physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Your energy and inspiration will be increasing at this time. You will be filled up with so many ideas for your life. Write them down! Take action on them! This is a very lively point in the cycle where you may feel called to be more productive, social, sexual, creative, spontaneous. This is also when you are your most attractive (meaning that you can attract whatever you want to manifest easily at this time).

This is a really good time to indulge in your creative side and explore your social relationships. This is a time of action, doing, being, and experiencing. This is when life is happening to the fullest. Take action on any insights you received while on your period.


Around the days of ovulation, this is similar energetically to the full moon. Your energy is reaching an absolute peak! Feelings of intense love, horniness, creativity, joy, inspiration, manifestation, and fun may be experienced at this time.

A lot of luck can happen around this time. This is a time of manifestation. I mean, this is literally the point of conception and making babies. So if your goal is not to create a human, your energy will be creating whatever it is you have been focused on at this time, whether good or bad.

Life is ripe. Life is ready. Receptive. Open. This is a great time for socializing and meeting people. It's a great time to say yes to life and experience life to the fullest. It is at this time that you might feel a little bit more bummed or anxious if, for example, you are sitting inside and in contemplation. Now is a point in your cycle where you want to be living your life to the fullest. Creating something, doing something. Operating at peak energies.

If you sleep in longer, are a bit lazier, or stuck inside during days of ovulation, you might feel a bit depressed or let down.

To make the most out of this point in the cycle, yes "yes" to life. Merge with life. Go out. Create something. Socialize. Do whatever you feel called to, but make sure you are releasing this energy (along with your egg). By staying stagnant or lazy at this time, you experience a sense of restlessness or feel like you are missing out on life.

Post-ovulation and lead up to the next period

This is a time of infertility and correlates with the waning moon. Meaning, it's the perfect time for you to carry on with your daily schedule and tie up any loose ends. Think of it as the time after the party where you are now cleaning up your house and returning to your normal business.

You may still actively work on your goals or projects at this time, but there is less inspiration and creativity. Therefore, this is the perfect time to really put in the work. Think of pre-ovulation as the inspired business leader and post-ovulation as the worker bee.

All of those ideas you might have been overflowing with, now is a good time to take action on them and finish them up before your period.

The energy is diminishing, so this is a good time to prepare for the next cycle. Clean up your house, delete your emails, get all your business in order, and plan ahead.

During ovulation, energy reaches a peak. So it is during this time where you may begin to contemplate what (and whom) needs to be released. It is an intuitive feeling that will become stronger and stronger until your period begins.

If you need to end any chapters in your life, now might be a good time in your cycle to do so. It's a good time for letting go, finishing up, cleansing, decluttering, and releasing.

When Divine Feminine & Masculine energies are unbalanced, problems with periods may arise

As we mentioned earlier, forcing yourself to live a 100% masculine way of life does not follow the natural flow of energy your soul and body is trying to have when you experience menstrual cycles.

Even if you are a transgendered man who still has menstrual cycles and wants to live that masculine way of life, you must listen to your body and soul's urges. If you are on your period and in need of rest, rest. If you are ovulating and wanting to explore the world, do it.

The problem is, our society has really honed in on the masculine daily schedule. Women and people with periods are forced to clock into work on days of intense PMS or period fatigue. They are forced to the boring humdrum of routine on days where they are at their creative and inspirational peak. And that mismatch of energy flow versus forced schedule causes some issues. Emotionally and mentally first and foremost. But I also believe it may cause physical issues as well (but I'm no doctor, this is just my belief).

The moral of the story is that people should be able to intuitively create a life schedule that works for their flow of energy and period cycle.

Men who are afraid of periods are not operating out of divine masculinity

They are operating out of sexism and weak, broken energy. The DIVINE masculine energy fully supports, respects, and works with the divine feminine energy. They cannot exist without one another, so I find it really stupid when men/society criticizes and disempowers feminine energy things (like periods).

If you EVER start dating a man who acts like your period is gross, evil, or something to be ashamed of, I'll give you a life hack, just leave him. He is sexist and does not respect the most basic and natural thing about you.

I'll give you another life hack, men who aren't afraid to have sex with you on your period are better in bed anyway, because they aren't afraid of feminine power and magic.

And why do some boys (because let's be real, they're not acting like men when they do this) fear or outright refuse to buy their partners/mothers/sisters period products? Like why do they view going into a store and buying tampons as an attack on their masculinity? I don't understand the logic with that, but I've seen soooo many boys demonstrate resistance to it.

Let me tell you, one of the most masculine and kingly things one of my partner's has done for me before was willingly make his own decision to go to the store and buy me pads, chocolate, and flowers during my period. Willingly! Without being asked! THAT is divine masculine energy. Like we said, the masculine energy provides practical support and follow through for the divine feminine energy cycles. My partner knew that my period is a time of spiritual connection, rest, and contemplation and supported me in that way. He knows that by allowing and supporting me to tune into my spiritual energy during my period, it will offer more direction, inspiration, and cleansed energy for the relationship as a whole anyways.

"What are you on your period or something?" - sexist men when they gaslight and invalidate women

Let's change the narrative

I would love to see a reality where EVERYONE is educated on the menstrual cycle. It is 2022, I shouldn't be explaining to adult men and women what ovulation is. Women shouldn't have to hide their period products and feel shame for it.

I would love to see a reality where young girls are educated on what periods are BEFORE it happens and prepared when it does so they do not have to be traumatized.

I would love for first periods to be celebrated amongst women! Have a first period party and celebrate the start of 30+ years of this beautiful cycle.

We need to change the language when it comes to having periods. Too many people view their period as an inconvenience rather than a time of profound magic and connection. Periods are mystical, powerful, and are meant to be celebrated. The only reason why they are not longer celebrated isn't because of the cramps or the PMS, it is because our civilization worked to disempower feminine magic and spiritual connection. Religion has demonized the female body and everything associated with it. It's time to change the narrative.


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