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Shamanic Journeying: The Three Worlds

Writer: Laura DownsLaura Downs

Updated: Jan 29, 2023

In shamanism throughout several world cultures and history, we see the recurring theme of shamans and healers visiting three main worlds during their shamanic journeys: the lower world, the upper world, and the middle world. I would like to give a brief explanation as to what these worlds are like from my perspective (as someone who frequently takes shamanic journeys).

We as humans are divinely connected to all three worlds. The underworld is our physical roots. Our DNA. Our connection to mother earth and our ancestors.

The upper world is our spirit, our consciousness, our dreams and ideas.

And here in the middle world where we live is where the two worlds connect.

We are all mediums and we all have the ability to shamanic journey to these spiritual and physical locations.

The Lower World (or underworld)

This world is not as dark or scary as modern religion might make it sound. In fact, the lower world is the best place to go if you are looking to connect with mother earth or do some profound healing. I highly recommend anyone new to shamanic journey start out by visiting the lower world first.

The lower world is very physical, nature-oriented. It connects us to our physical roots in nature. To get here, a shaman must go down deep within mama earth. When shamanic journeying via willful imagination, a shaman will visualize going down deep within the earth through a foxhole, staircase, hole within the earth, etc. There is no right or wrong way to do this.

Many people who travel to the lower world will find a beautiful nature scene. Lots of trees, streams, spirit animals, earth spirits, sunshine, and natural beauty. This is a profoundly safe space for healing, for you are within the womb of mother earth.

The lower world is a wonderful place to meet any spirit or power animals working with you at this time. I also find that this is a great place to do energy healing for yourself and for others.

Whenever I am called to view a past life, I am guided down into the lower world. Mother earth has memories. If you wish to view some of your past lives or the past lives of others on earth, you may find them here.

You might also find old souls who are deeply connected to earth. In the lower world, I have been shown and taught ancient earth magic and healing.

The lower world is a powerhouse of healing, transformation, and empowerment. If you are ever feeling drained, powerless, or in need of healing - connect with the spirits and energies that live within the underworld. If you would like to learn more about earth spirits and magic - go to the lower world!

The Upper World

Similar to how the shamanic practitioner will find a way down deep within mama earth to get to the lower world, they will ascend or climb up into the upper world. They may actively envision this as climbing a staircase, using an elevator, a ladder, or by simply flying and ascending upwards.

The upperworld is a lot less physical and nature-oriented. This is the realm of spirit and energy. Here, you may interact with angels, the higher selves of you or others, some deities, symbols and light codes, the spirit of your thoughts and ideas, or higher entities. When traveling to the upper world, you must remain open minded to the experiences and what comes up.

The upper world is a wonderful place to communicate with spirit guides and receive higher guidance in your life. From above, spirits can see the bigger picture and direction of life. And therefore, if you are ever in need of motivation, new directions and ideas, in need of finding your purpose, or if you want to ask for help in resolving issues - the upper world is the best place to travel to.

Here, things may not be as grounded or physical as what you will experience in the lower world. You may walk amongst clouds, float through the galaxies, experience sacred symbols and geometry, encounter spirits of a more... well, spiritual nature as opposed to physical.

The Middle World

The middle world is actually where we currently live and exist! However, when you are shamanic journeying through the middle world, you will be able to perceive and interact with more than you can experience with your physical body. You will be able to communicate with the spirit and soul within everything - trees, locations, objects, planets, even people and relationships. Anything that exists on the physical plane can be found in the middle world.

When shamanic journeying in the middle world, just keep in mind that absolutely everything you can perceive has an energy and spirit. With that being said, the middle world is an excellent place to interact on a more spiritual level with the things around you. You can communicate with your home or any other building. You can communicate with the energy and spirit of your friend. You can even perform healings on other people, yourself, locations, or objects here. Or perhaps you just want to travel to another location on earth or within our physical Universe without having to take a plane.

Many of our dreams and astral projections take place in the middle world.

You are also not limited to the present moment when you are shamanic journeying in the middle world. Here, you can travel to see what the earth looked like in the past. When you revisit old memories in your mind for example, you are actually in a way shamanic journeying in the middle world. You can also perceive many different possible future outcomes.


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