Technically all children are psychic. We are taught growing up that things are "just our imagination" and we believe it. People are taught to ignore their natural connection to Spirit. Society trains us to shut off the parts of our mind that consciously engage in mediumship and psychic abilities.
However, some children are more psychically gifted than others. Their connection to the unseen realms is much stronger than the average person's here are some signs that you might have been one of those children.
Seeing Ghosts and Predicting The Future Is Obvious. Let's Talk About The More Nuanced Signs.
Beyond the obvious paranormal experiences, I want to mention the weird specific experiences a psychic kid might have growing up.

#1 You Were "The Quiet Kid" Growing Up & Accused of Being Shy or Depressed - Even If You Weren't.
Growing up, and still to this day, you were probably a very spacey individual. Psychics are observers. Especially in group settings, you would be taking in everyone's energy, processing it at a deeper level, and then suddenly you snap out of it when someone says "why are you being so quiet" It's not that you were being shy or didn't want to participate, you were just processing so much energy that you were tuning into.
Explanation: Psychics have an increased sensitivity to the world and energies and spirits around them. That is a lot more information to take in than the average person! Many psychics find it difficult to keep up in group conversations as an equal contributor to the conversation for this reason. There are also big parallels with psychic abilities and neurodivergency. Many psychic kids may get diagnosed with ADHD, autism, depression, or some other "disorder" that involves having a different brain structure or chemistry. Or perhaps you had strong suspicions of having some type of neurodivergency. Neurodivergent folks are more likely to be psychic or psychically sensitive compared to the average person.

#2 Mirrors & Your Reflection Made You Slightly Uneasy
In particular, seeing your reflection in the TV after you turned it off made you feel uneasy. Looking at yourself in a mirror, especially in a dimly lit room made you feel uneasy. Sometimes when you pass by your reflection in a dimly lit room, or if your stared at yourself in the mirror for too long, you would see monsters, demon, or even your own ancestors within your face.
Explanation: Mirrors can actually act as portals to see into other realms, Spirit, etc. TV screens that are turned off are particular unsettling, because they turn into black mirrors. TVs themselves are also used as portals into other realities (seeing news from around the world, tuning into the alternate realities we see on fictional shows, etc.) Many psychics I know personally have had paranormal experiences with TVs - with either them becoming staticky and having issues as they are speaking to spirits or seeing paranormal entities in the reflection of the black screen.
Mirror gazing as a practice has been a divination tool by mediums for years and has gained traction as a meditative practice in recent years.

#3 You Would Get The Urge To Not Look At Certain Parts Of Your House
Do you remember feeling a certain sense of dread coming from a certain corner or hallway in your house, or in your bedroom while trying to sleep? And you just intuitively knew not to look in that direction? Or maybe you shielded yourself with a blanket and refused to come out until that feeling went away?
Taking it a step further, if this happened to you in the middle of night in bed and you covered yourself with a blanket - did you actually hear or feel a presence in the room? Some sounds in particular might have been the sound of a plastic bag, footsteps, or your house making quite a lot of noise within that particular moment.
Explanation: It is sad, but new psychics and children are really, really prone to attracting negative entities. These entities want to kind of "scare" the psychic abilities out of people so that they do not grow up to be a light worker and do massive amounts of healing and lightwork as an adult. They also feed off of fear. Children and new psychics are particularly vulnerable to these psychic attacks because they are not trained properly. And they usually happen at nighttime when you are alone in bed - at your most vulnerable.
These attacks can become completely avoidable over time when you learn how to harness loving energy and meet these entities with love and open arms - they won't stick around because they cannot exist within the frequency of love.

#4 Extreme Empathy
Growing up, you were extremely empathetic compared to your peers. Music and movies might have moved you to tears. You were probably prone to befriending the outcasted and bullied people at your school. You may have felt guilty for eating meat and tried to become and vegetarian.
Hearing other kid's getting yelled at or punished would upset you even more than if you were getting yelled at or punished.
Explanation: Extreme empathy, or being an empath, goes hand in hand with being a lightworker. Many people born with strong psychic abilities come here to help humanity evolve, heal, and reintegrate back into harmony and peace like we are meant to be. To have strong empathy shows that you are aligned with the energy of Spirit and Mother Earth.

#5 Treating Inanimate Objects Like Sentient Beings
This is something many children do. Their stuffed animals and toys and objects are all sentient beings worthy of respect. They want to bring their dolls and action figures along with them on trips so they can enjoy the trip too.
Even into teenage you, you subconsciously did this by having a particular comfort hoodie, blanket, notebook, etc.
Explanation: Inanimate objects do have spirits and carry energy just like humans, animals, trees, plants, etc. When you are someone who can feel that energy and spirit more strongly than the average person, you can grow a greater emotional attachment to certain objects.

Are these the only signs?
Not at all. These are some common signs you might have experienced when you were a child. Going into tween and teenage years, you might have experienced more paranormal experiences, very unusual challenges and life circumstances, a rebellious phase, and more.
People who are destined to become full-on psychics, seer, shamans, and healers later in life tend to have really difficult upbringings and early-adult experiences that bring them close to death and the edge of sanity. It is through navigating those experiences (and hopefully having a good mentor) that they can learn to use their psychic abilities consciously for the good of all humanity.
What can you do if you have a psychic kid?
The best thing you can do for yourself and your psychic child is to keep them grounded in the physical world. Engage in the physical senses. Having a normal upbringing with play, learning, exercise, nutrients, and regular kid stuff is important.
Create a happy, physically pleasing home. Stuffed animals, night lights, books, art, music, pets, and other high-vibrational things are so important. Lots of nature time is so important. Having a psychic kid is pretty much just having a sensitive kid. They are extra sensitive to the conversations, energies, foods, and environment they are in.
Honor their paranormal experiences and insights, but don't treat them as any different. Your kid has a unique and special interest. Of course treat that as something special and worth pursuing, but don't treat them neither like a freak or like this holy being who is God's greatest gift and can do no harm. You do not (and should not) treat a child any different just because they are psychically sensitive. Provide them a normal upbringing and approach their experiences with positive curiosity. It is their special connection to Spirit, let them navigate it on their own, coming to you to share their journey and seek support when necessary.
If this is something that will turn into life-purpose or career, Spirit will guide them around the age of adulthood. Your child can make their own choice on what to do with their abilities. In the meantime, your job is to simply treat them life everyone else, respect their sensitivities, and create a peaceful and loving environment for the child to grow in.