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11 Full Moon Rituals to Make the Most Out of the Energy

Writer: Laura DownsLaura Downs

The Universe has a rhythm and routine. From the seasons to the moon. It is a known fact that there is a rise and fall of the ocean's tides due to the gravitational pull of the moon. If the moon's gravitational pull is powerful enough to move our oceans, it is certainly having an impact on us humans as well, especially given the fact that we are primarily made up of water.

People who are in tune with these natural seasons and cycles will align their lives with the moon's natural energy cycles, and they will themselves more inspired, productive, and successful at accomplishing their life's goals. Realizing that you are a part of nature and tuning into nature's routine will have you live life much more easily and help you better understand yourself. The perfect way to do that is to create a full moon ritual.

Why The Full Moon Is Qualified To Help You Heal?

Indigenous cultures from every continent celebrated each and every full moon because they knew it was a sacred time of the month. It was been proven that animals (including humans) are more awake during full moons. Predatory hunters such as lions and cheetahs are most active during the full moon.

Overall, the energy is higher when the moon is full. The moon rules over our instincts, psychic perception, and emotions. These energies are at a peak at this time, and what was once hidden under the surface will bubble up around the full moon - issues in your relationships, work, or life will become VERY apparent. Likewise, what is going RIGHT in your life will show extra blessings at the full moon.

Mama moon is a neutral entity. All she does is increase the energy in general as she grows and becomes full. Whatever energies surrounds you and encapsulates you at the time of a full moon will be maxed - showing you what may need changing and what may need to be released in order to live your best life.

In addition, each month the full moon takes place in a different zodiac sign. Each zodiac sign is associated with a particular area of life. So, you might notice signs, messages, and sudden insights or events take place around the full moon that will associate with the sign that the full moon is taking place in. For example, Virgo rules over health, work, responsibility, and productivity. Around the full moon in Virgo, one may notice lots of energy and insights in those areas of life.

The Moon is Cyclical - How To Get on Board With Her Cycles.

Similar to a woman's reproductive cycles, the moon cycle lasts about 29.5 days - starting from the new moon, waxing (getting bigger), being full, waning (getting smaller), and ending at the next new moon.

New Moon - The energy is low and calm. This is the perfect time to start new projects or relationships with a clear mind. Take the initiative.

Waxing Moon - This phase is known to have perfect energy for manifesting and using magic. Whatever you work on at this time will grow. Focus on the positives in life, what do you want to increase, put in the work.

Full Moon - The energy is at a peak. Emotions and events are running high. Many energies are purged at this time, it is like a big cosmic sigh. Allow events and emotions to unfold. Find the wisdom and messages. You will receive insights into what may need to be adjusted in your life.

Waning Moon - After the events and insights the full moon brought, this is a time where the energy starts going down again. It's an ideal time to "clean up" any loose ends, finish projects, let go, declutter, and focus on releasing what you no longer need in your life.

Tune into the magic of the full moon by doing a little self-care. Being the peak of energy each month, view it as the prologue of the next story in your life. The full moon will illuminate the next best steps for you, time and time again. All she want is for you to heal, grow, and your best self. Honor this time through ritual.

Full Moon Rituals

#1 Take a Moonlit Walk

This one is big favorite of mine on those full moons when my emotions are running high. Taking a walk in the moonlight is like a therapy session. Go with a friend and talk about everything that is on your mind together. Indulge in the beautiful skyline, notice how the trees and buildings silhouette against the bright moonlit sky. Breathe in the crisp night air and let the nighttime heal you.

#2 Take a Ritual Bath or Shower

Make this a very intentional cleansing session. Focus on washing away all of the dirt and unwanted hair as well as negative thoughts and energies. I like to go all out on these full moon baths, lighting candles, having fresh plants around, using my most luxurious bath bombs and oils, flower petals, etc. Make it a special, sacred time to cleanse and release.

#3 Dance it Out

Dancing under the full moon has been ritualized for centuries by many groups. Remember, full moons are all about letting go. What better way to let go than to dance out all of your problems, releasing every inhibition and becoming one with the music. Whether you dress up and go out to dance or you dance alone in your pajamas where no one can see you. Dance it a great way to release built-up physical stress and energy. If you're not into dancing, a good run with your headphones in may do the trick.

#4 Clean, Clean, Clean

Physically cleaning your space is a great full moon ritual. As you clean, you are removing unwanted negative energies and stagnant energies that have built up during the waxing phase of the moon cycle. I personally aim to clean my home every full and new moon. After your cleaning, do a spiritual cleanse of your space using smoke, bells, healing tones, etc.

#5 Do a Ritual Burn

For my friends who like working with the magic of fire, full moons are great times to have a bonfire specifically with the intention of burning what no longer serves you. You might write a letter and burn it, burn all the stuff your ex gave you, even simple things like burning all your old mail. Personally, when I choose this ritual to celebrate the old moon, it is when I want to burn my old journals, notes, ideas I had written down, and sketches. Some people like to hold on to this stuff, but I visualize the old energy burning away, transforming, and coming back to me in its purest form - allowing for new blessings and fresh starts to enter my life.

#6 Journal

Journaling is actually quite important. Journaling around the full moon and taking the emotions, energy, and events that are in your life and just putting it onto paper can be really beneficially. It will allow you to clearly see what you are dealing with in life. The process of journaling can be transformative, self-reflective, and can reveal great insights from within.

#7 Practice Gratitude

Remember, whatever we are feeling is amplified during the full moon. Practicing gratitude and joy for what we already have is one of the BEST emotions to be in during the full moon, because that energy is amplified, and via the Law of Attraction you will manifest even more things to be grateful for. So, take some time to consciously go over everything in life you are grateful for. It may even be in your best interest to begin a gratitude journal to write in every day, doing your long entries during the full moon.

#8 Make Moon Water

Moon water is water that has sat under the full moon and soaked up its magic. People use moon water for all types of reasons - putting it in drinks every day, adding it to bath water, watering plants, etc. All you have to do is get a closed container full of water and put it in direct moon light - whether outside or on your windowsill, doesn't matter. Leave it to soak up the full moonlight overnight and it's good to go in the morning!

#9 Attend or Hold a Full Moon Circle

A full moon circle is simply people coming together to intentionally utilize the energy of the full moon. This can look however you want it to look. Perhaps it's an intimate group where you share what's on your mind, do cleansing, do readings, drink tea or wine, etc. Or perhaps it's a lively circle/party where you dance in the moonlight. Or maybe it's a larger event with hundreds of people of like mind coming together to celebrate and share crafts and wisdom.

#10 Meditate

I'm convinced that meditation is the best thing you can do for yourself any day, and the day of the full moon is no different. Especially meditating while the full moonlight is hitting your body, mmm. Start by sitting comfortably with the night sky visible. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and feel the moonlight soaking into your body, mind, and soul. Focus on the breath or any intention you have set. Visualize and feel the moonlight purifying your thoughts and energies and amplifying the intention you have set. When you feel ready, slowly bring your attention back to where you are and open your eyes.

#11 Do a Manifestation Ritual

The full moon has the power to speed up and make your manifestations stronger. Make your manifestation ritual simple and effective. Here is one to get you started:

Create a sacred space or spot in your home of out in nature. Gather any ingredients, photos, crystals, books - literally anything that carries the energy of what you are looking to manifest more of. Get creative. Make an alter out of it. Sit in front of your alter and meditate, relax your mind, and get clear on what you are looking to manifest. Close your eyes and visualize getting exactly what you want. Feel the feelings, get really into the visualization as hard as you can. Allow yourself to enjoy it.

The Bottom Line

There is no right or wrong way to celebrate and make it through the full moon. In fact, it is most important that you listen to what you intuitively need the most at the time of each full moon. The rituals we talked about in this post are simply ideas - do what intuitively feels best for you each and every full moon. Perhaps one full moon you feel like you want to celebrate in a large group and celebrate. Perhaps another full moon you feel guided to clean and cleanse. You will feel EXACTLY what you need to do on each and every full moon. You will know what will best serve you at that time.

I recommend not having an exact set-in-stone schedule for each full moon for this reason. Allow space to listen to what you really want and need at the time of each full moon.


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